Pr. Cédric Wemmert

PhD in Computer Science - Data scientist



Full professor in Computer Science, head of the SDC team of the Engineering, Computer and Imaging Sciences Laboratory of the University of Strasbourg

Member of CNU 27

Keywords: data science, machine learning

Contact: ICube - 300 bvd Brant - 67400 ILLKIRCH (room C332)
Tel: (+33) 368 854 581 - Email: (name)


Current projects and collaborations

Past activities

Research supervision

Current PhD researchers


Postdocs and engineers


A complete list of all my publications can be found on the ICube publications server.

Some selected publications


I am teaching mainly in the Computer Science department of the Technology Institute Robert Schuman of the University of Strasbourg.

What is my job?

When you’re fundraising, it’s AI

When you’re hiring, it’s ML

When you’re implementing, it’s linear regression

When you’re debugging, it’s printf()